Is it possible to revise prior answered questions in chat?

Given the nature of some of our potential chat surveys (detailed subject matter) and the character of our potential respondents, some of them may want to go back and revise/clarify some of their initial responses, particularly as they progress through the chat. Is there a way to configure chat surveys to make this possible? In many other forms of insight aggregation (traditional surveys) it is possible to “go back” or navigate to “previous” before having a response recorded. In our experience with other technologies/mechanisms no content/information is locked down until someone ‘submits’ the responses at the end. If this is possible, can someone let us know how this can be achieved?

Currently, we don’t support “go back” in a chat now for a couple of reasons.

First, unlike a form that presents everything at once, a conversation is a linear process, one question at a time. So users may not remember what they have chatted especially in a long conversation. “Going back” could mean many things (e.g., going back to a chitchat or a particular sub-conversation?) will create much ambiguity for an AI to figure out at this stage.

Second, in many interview scenarios, businesses want to hear their participants’ most intuitive thoughts or “gut feelings” instead of rehearsed input, they don’t want their participants to go back and revise their input.

We may support this in the future if the situations change (e.g., majority of our customers want this feature).

OK - we’ll live with it. So for the first couple of go arounds, we’ll have to make it clear at the onset that there is no ‘revision’ capability. I can understand the logic, though I suspect for some of our demographics and topics, respondents will want the ability to refine/clarify answers as they go through the chat (things they may have omitted may come to mind later). We’ll see what the respondents have to say about how this works after they’ve gone through the process, and also what type of data/analytics we end up with.