Multiple choice question failed to load

The radio button multiple choice question didn’t load properly and it failed to understand the typed response. I have re-deployed to FB and it seems to have fixed it now but thought you should know.

Thanks for letting us know. We will look into the both issues.

This issue is happening again. Could you please investigate and advise asap. Thanks!

This is not an issue – it’s by design :slight_smile:

The choice question you put in requires a user to click on a choice button to move forward. From your screenshot, it seems you text the answer yourself instead of clicking on the button. The current design deliberately forces a chatbot to accept only input from the displayed choice buttons to avoid potential problems.

For example, if a choice question asks a user:

Which dinner choice do you prefer? please select an option:

If someone enters seafood, should the chatbot accept the answer? Semantically it will match only the Shrimp option but it’s not on the choice list.

A choice question is meant to accept the exactly matched user input entered from the GUI – the choice buttons. If you wish to take more flexible user input, your chatbot should ask a free-text question. This way it will accept much more flexible user input.

It is designed as a multi choice question not a free text question and had been working previously, and then stopped. It seems to be working this morning, although it didn’t yesterday.


It’s always working if a user clicks on one of the buttons. In your screenshot, the user did not click on the button, instead s/he texts “finish”. That’s why the chatbot didn’t take the input for the reason I explained.

Thanks @mzhou

Because it’s a multichoice question topic I don’t have the option to add a trigger for typed responses. So if a user chooses to type instead of click how do I direct the conversation to the topic I need it to go to?


As I mentioned in my message with an example above (e.g., should your chatbot also accept a seafood input for shrimp option), you should not allow users to type in text for a single-choice question and accept their input. This will make your results messy and also reduce the robustness of user experience.

If you really want to accept more free form user input, just change this single-choice question into a free-text question and you can add the input you allow.

How do I turn off the ability to type responses?

@roshelleweir In a web-based version, it’s already turned off. In FB messenger, FB does not allow you to turn it off.

However, we already have put in many precaution measures to instruct the users that they need to click on the buttons if they type. If you don’t think the current instructions are clear, let us know as we can also tune/tweak the instructions to users.

BTW, allowing users to type does have a benefit, e.g., a user can ask questions and the chatbot can answer and then continue. Users love this feature because they feel nature and don’t feel being ignored. See this screenshot – first time, I didn’t answer by clicking on the button. Instead I ask a question. After my question is answered, second time, I clicked on the “Start”:

Screen Shot 2020-02-14 at 4.27.27 PM