Set pre conditions

How do I reset topics as preconditions so the flow works the way it should? The option to add a topic isn’t there?


Are you trying to use a topic as a precondition to another topic?

If this is what you want to do, you go to the parent topic and use “+ Customization” button to add a trigger and then use “+ Extended Reply” or “+ Followup” to add the dependent topic. If the dependent/child topic already exists, use “Attach to” option to attach to the child topic.

I have already tried that. Notice that T26 is green and not orange any more. It’s a topic not a subtopic. And there is no option to customise or amend T26 because it was a subtopic originally. It was only when I deleted a sentiment trigger from the precondition topic that it changed from orange to green.


Which one should be T26’s parent? As I mentioned above, you can easily attach T26 to a parent to turn it into “orange” color.

Find the topic that should be the T26’s parent, “+ Customization” then add the same trigger “sentiment” this time you basically add this trigger as the last (should work), and then add Follow-up, select “Attach to requests” (NOT “create requests”). Then you can select T26 to attach to.


The parent was already attached to the negative sentiment trigger. I deleted it and I’ve tried to attach it as per your instructions but the child topic (T26) can’t be found. Note you can see it on the screen.