Stemming and lemmatization in contains-keywords

I am using contains-keywords and I know it handles stemming and lemmatization, however, when I want to repeat back that keyword would it be possible to return the root word? So if the contains-keyword is “walk” and user says “walking” how will I be able to return the root word “walk” instead of “walking”? Do I need to write a custom function for this?

Hi @angelica_t,

That’s a great question. You can use our lemmatize function to achieve this. Here’s how:

  1. Assume you have the contains-keyword list already. Go to your response, and select adding a function. Because currently lemmatize function is not exposed (we plan to expose more function soon), you will need to add it as an external function.
  2. Inside the external function, put “lemmatize” as the name
  3. Add the contain-keyword attribute as the argument.
  4. Click “Add”. Now, in the chat, the response will lemmatize the captured user keyword content.

Let us know if you have any questions.

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Hi @wchen! That’s awesome! Thank you so much :blush:

Hi @wchen, what are these functions you plan on exposing soon? I’m wondering if those could be a great use for our chatbot. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Hi @angelica_t,

While we haven’t exposed new functions in the UI, we have just updated our available function lists in our documentation ( You can use those functions the same way as the lemmatize function or use them directly inside the REP script.

Let us know if you have any questions.